ABCs of Death 2 (2014) Review!!

abcsSynopsis – A 26-chapter anthology that showcases death in all its vicious wonder and brutal beauty.

My Take – Just like the V/H/S series, ABCs of Death is a brilliant concept! 26 directors, each handling an alphabet & portraying a short about death. Even though the sequel is bigger & better, it follows the same format as some shorts are brilliant, some are funny & some just painfully rubbish!

AbcssThis sequel however, is much more self-improved, it is solid scary and creative. Although having some downsides of segments, the movie is very fun to see. And the concept is just smart, creative and I love it ! Among the shorts,  A, D, S, V, W, X, Y, Z where awesome, with ‘Zygote’ being the winner. Disturbing, horrifying and well edited. ‘Wish’ and ‘Youth’ are just amazing, & so are ‘Amateur’ & ‘Deloused’, a great stop-motion freaky disturbing animation. while B, E, F, H, M, O, Q, R are the average one; ‘Questionnaire’, ‘Roulette’ and ‘Falling’ maybe have something more appealing compared to the other of this category, maybe because they look like a sort of weird for a full length movie. Honorable mention to ‘Equilibrium’, it’s really funny. In my opinion C, G, I, K, L, N, P, U, T,  where the worst ones, with honorable mention to ‘P-P-P- Scary!’ that, in my opinion of course, as the worst one in this sequel.

abcsIn any case, you gotta admire these guys who are pushing in their concept despite its unconventionality! In a whole, ABC Of death 2′ is two hours of pure horror entertainment, a well-made and ambitious sequel that may not surpass the first film’s cheesy fun but definitely is an upgrade in its quality. A must watch for Horror fans!


Directed –  Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt, plus 28 more 

Starring – Martina García, Tristan Risk, Béatrice Dalle

Rated – R

Run Time – 125 minutes

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