‘The Sims’: Amazon MGM Picks Up Margot Robbie Production!!

Ready to trade plastic fantastic for pixel power, Margot Robbie is gearing up to bring the wildly chaotic universe of The Sims to the big screen. Fresh off her Barbie high, Robbie and her crew at LuckyChap Entertainment have joined forces with Amazon MGM, diving headfirst into the digital dollhouse of life. Amazon MGM snagged the project after a fierce bidding scuffle, beating out Netflix who was all too eager to stream it straight to couch potatoes worldwide. However, Robbie and her team were adamant about going theatrical with a big-screen debut, according to a report by Puck.

Robbie‘s move to produce The Sims movie might just be the wackiest, most genius pivot yet. As players, we’ve all been god-like puppeteers, dictating everything from a Sim’s hairstyle to whom they marry. How this power translates into a theatrical narrative is anyone’s guess, but with Robbie’s track record and her team’s creativity, it’s bound to be anything but ordinary.

Now, for all you Sims aficionados, picture this: the quirky towns of Willow Creek and Ocean Bay, coming to life with all the wacky hijinks and “woohoo” moments you’ve secretly enjoyed from the comfort of your computer chair. And let’s not forget the inevitable chaos — because what’s a Sims game without a kitchen fire, removing the ladders from your swimming pool, or an awkward encounter with the Grim Reaper?

Who’s The Creative Team Behind ‘The Sims’?

At the writing helm, we’ve got Kate Herron of Loki fame teaming up with Briony Redman, whose biggest project to date was working on Doctor Who. The writing duo is set to infuse the screenplay with the same kind of unpredictability and wackiness that’s made The Sims a staple in the gaming world. We’re talking about a story that’s likely to jump from love triangles and career ladders to alien abductions and time travel — because why not?

The Sims isn’t just about playing house; it’s about playing life. With each expansion pack, from “Get to Work” to “Seasons,” players have been sucked deeper into their screens, managing their Sims’ every little life detail — be it cooking, dating, or negotiating with ghosts. Now, imagine translating that into a film where each scene could be as spontaneously bizarre as the game itself.

Stay tuned to Collider for more information on what is likely to be one of the weirdest movie projects the mainstream audiences have seen in a long time.


via Collider

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