The CW Superheroes Unite for Another Round of Fight Club and Battle a Surprise Villain!! Check It Out!!


This week marks the final push for The CW before their superhero series return, staring with the Season 3 premiere of The Flash this coming Tuesday. To celebrate that fact, we have a bunch of new content from the network.

The first video teased is Fight Club 2.0, a new version of the previously released video that sees The Flash teaming up with fellow superheroes from ArrowSupergirl, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. While the villains in this case are played by Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), it’s worth watching just to see who the real surprise villain is at the end (plus a fun appearance by David Ramsey‘s Diggle and David Harewood as J’onn J’onzz)!

Speaking of Cisco, there’s a fantastic new video that revisits his history of naming supervillains alike. Plus, not to be left out, Diggle shows off his new armor in a behind-the-scenes video that teases The CW’s upcoming shows, superhero and non-superhero alike. There’s something for everyone this year,

Remember to tune in for The CW superhero series premieres as scheduled:

  • The Flash Season 3 Premiere – Tuesday, October 4th at 8pm
  • Arrow Season 5 Premiere – Wednesday, October 5th at 8pm
  • Supergirl Season 2 Premiere – Monday, October 10th at 8pm
  • DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – Season 2 Premiere – Thursday, October 13th at 8pm


Check it out:

via Collider

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