Fox Boss Addresses a Possible ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Revival!!!

Another day, another reboot or revival being discussed. In this case, it’s far from a done deal, but basically any TV show that has ever aired is in play for being revisited in some way (even The Sopranos!) At the INTV Conference in Jerusalem, Fox TV group chair Gary Newman addressed questions about whether or not the network had considered a revival of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Note the word revival and not reboot. “I think if you look in our library, Buffy is probably the most ripe show we have for bringing back,” Newman said, but admitted that he “wouldn’t get out of the building alive” if it was announced.

He went on to say that,

“It’s something we talk about frequently, and Joss Whedon is really one of the greatest creators we ever worked with. When Joss decides it’s time, we’ll do it. And until Joss decides it’s time, it won’t happen. […] Most times when we brought things back, it started with the creator coming into us and saying I’ve got another story I want to tell. It seems to me that if there isn’t a real sense of nostalgia, a passionate fan base demonstrating they still want it then I don’t really buy bringing these shows back.”

Newman went on to remark that these kinds of reboots and revivals are all essentially a marketing grab, since audiences are already familiar with the properties and there’s a built-in fanbase. But he also remarked that sometimes it’s worthwhile to revive a property in a new way, like gender-swapping a lead or bringing more diversity to the original cast line-up.

As for Buffy … a reboot feels out of the question. Though the show has been off the air for awhile, it has such a passionate fanbase that keeps the fires burning that to recast seems like it would be a huge mistake. Bringing back the original cast in a revival, though, could be interesting, but is it necessary … let us know what you think in the comments, and which reboots or revivals of classic shows you think have been successful, or that you’re actually looking forward to. And if a Buffy revival did happen, what would you want to see from the story? With Joss Whedon having exited the Batgirl movie and back to working on the Buffy comics, it could actually happen.


via Collider

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