‘Kingsman 3’ Said To Introduce Characters From Spinoff Prequel ‘The Great Game’!!!

Back in June, filmmaker Matthew Vaughn revealed that he would be expanding the Kingsman franchise with a third installment in the spy series, along with an early 1900s prequel spinoff entitled Kingsman: The Great Game, as well as a Statesmen movie and an eight-hour Kingsman TV show.

Well, according to That Hashtag Show, Vaughn is now eyeing a January 2019 production start for Kingsman 3, which he intends to shoot back-to-back with The Great Game, and it seems the plan is to use Kingsman 3 to introduce two new leads via flashbacks who will then be the focus on the spinoff.

The site reports that one of the leads will be a teen called Conrad, whose description reads: “The young, cocky and charming son of a British Duke, Conrad is eager to find a way to serve his country during World War I…and perhaps the Kingsman offer him just that opportunity.”

Details on the other lead role are scarce, but the site claims that Ralph Fiennes (Spectre) is “near or at the top of the studio’s list”.

Assuming reports of a January start date are accurate, expect to hear plenty more news about the next phase of the Kingsman franchise over the coming months.


via Flickering Myth

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